Works of the State Hermitage XXX 2004 Russian Culture Труды государственного Эрм

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  • PRINTING YEAR : 20040000
  • SUBJECT : History
  • TOPIC : Europe
  • ORIGIN : European
  • SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES : 1st Edition
  • BINDING : Hardcover


Works of the State Hermitage XXX 2004
Works of the State Hermitage. Volume 30. From History of Russian Culture

Publishing house: the State Hermitage, 2004
Green Hardbound, 176 p. Russian Text. New
Printed : 1000 copy
Format: 84x108/16
Gloss paper
George Vilinbahov
Galina Printseva
From the publisher Acted in 1971 in the State Hermitage the richest complex of archeological finds opened at research per 1957-1964 under direction of M.K.Kargera Ancient Izyaslavlya, comprehensively characterizes a life of one of cities of the Kiev Russia before the Tataro-Mongolian gain. Found in Izyaslavl the material acquaints with an agriculture, military science, craft, trade and spiritual culture of ordinary old Russian city.
M. Mirolyubov. Written and Writing Materials and Objects of Religious Cult from the Excavations of Ancient Izyaslavl......5
O. Ioannisian and N. Kostochkina. New Specimen of Old Russian Cloisonne' Enamel in the State Hermitage Collection..............................................................17
B. Sapunov. View of Time in the Philosophy of Nature in
Muscovite Russia (Based on the Materials of 14th - 17th - Century Russian Iconography)...............................................................25
/. Kotelnikova. Attribution of Two Portraits from the State
Hermitage Collection of Russian Art to Ivan Nikitin...........34
/. Ukbanova. Wooden Utensils as Samples of Russian Artistic Culture (Based on the Materials from the State Hermitage Collection)................................................................................45
/, Sychev. Decorative Bronzework and Customs Regulations in Russia in the 18th - 19th Centuries.....................................56
Ye. Moiseyenko. Gold Embroidery Workshops in the Convents of the Nizhny Novgorod Province in the 18th - 20th Centuries...........64
/, Kuznetsova. Moscow Silk-Weaving Factories in the First
Half and Middle of the 19th Century.....................................71
G. Mirolyubova. About Two Early Russian Lithographs
from the State Hermitage Collection......................................81
G. Printseva. On the History of the Series of Drawings
Done in Pencil after N. Bestuzhev's Watercolour Portraits.. 87
T. Petrova. Interiors in the Russian Architecture of the Mid-19th Century: Characteristics of the System of Orders.................97
L. Tarasova. Sculptural Compositions by A. Terebenev for the Orphanage and Guardians' Council Buildings in St. Petersburg......................................................................105
K. Orlova. Production of the Sazikovs Factory
in the State Hermitage Collection.........................................115
T. Malinina. From the History of the Imperial Glass
Factory in St. Petersburg. 1830s-1880s...............................125
A. Pobedinskaya. Paintings by I. Kramskoy and N. Bogatsky
in the State Hermitage............................................................136
7*. Kudriavtseya\ Ceramist Piotr Vaulin in St. Petersburg.........142
V. Fedorova and G. Vilinbakhov. Sergey Nikolayevich
Troynitsky and the "Sirius" Printing House.........................159

Труды Государственного Эрмитажа. Том 30. Из истории русской культуры

Издательство: Государственный Эрмитаж, 2004 г.
Твердый переплет, 176 стр.
Тираж: 1000 экз.
Формат: 84x108/16
Мелованная бумага

Георгий Вилинбахов
Галина Принцева
От издателя
Поступивший в 1971 г. в Государственный Эрмитаж богатейший комплекс археологических находок, раскрытый при исследовании в 1957-1964 гг. под руководством М.К.Каргера Древнего Изяславля, всесторонне характеризует жизнь одного из городов Киевской Руси накануне татаро-монгольского завоевания. Найденный в Изяславле материал знакомит с сельским хозяйством, военным делом, ремеслом, торговлей и духовной культурой рядового древнерусского города. К последней группе относится около ста предметов, разнообразных по своему назначению 


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Works of the State Hermitage XXX 2004 Works of the State Hermitage. Volume 30. From History of Russian Culture Publishing house: the State Hermitage, 2004 Green Hardbound, 176 p. Russian Text. New Printed : 1000 copy Format: 84x108/16 Gloss paper Editors: George Vilinbahov Galina Printseva From the publisher Acted in 1971 in the State Hermitage the richest complex of archeological finds opened at research per 1957-1964 under direction of M.K.Kargera Ancient Izyaslavlya, comprehensively characterizes a life of one of cities of the Kiev Russia before the Tataro-Mongolian gain. Found in Izyaslavl the material acquaints with an agriculture, military science, craft, trade and spiritual culture of ordinary old Russian city. CONTENTS M. Mirolyubov. Written and Writing Materials and Objects of Religious Cult from the Excavations of Ancient Izyaslavl......5 O. Ioannisian and N. Kostochkina. New Specimen of Old Russian Cloisonne' Enamel in the State Hermitage Collection..............................................................17 B. Sapunov. View of Time in the Philosophy of Nature in Muscovite Russia (Based on the Materials of 14th - 17th - Century Russian Iconography)...............................................................25 /. Kotelnikova. Attribution of Two Portraits from the State Hermitage Collection of Russian Art to Ivan Nikitin...........34 /. Ukbanova. Wooden Utensils as Samples of Russian Artistic Culture (Based on the Materials from the State Hermitage Collection)................................................................................45 /, Sychev. Decorative Bronzework and Customs Regulations in Russia in the 18th - 19th Centuries.....................................56 Ye. Moiseyenko. Gold Embroidery Workshops in the Convents of the Nizhny Novgorod Province in the 18th - 20th Centuries...........64 /, Kuznetsova. Moscow Silk-Weaving Factories in the First Half and Middle of the 19th Century.....................................71 G. Mirolyubova. About Two Early Russian Lithographs from the State Hermitage Collection......................................81 G. Printseva. On the History of the Series of Drawings Done in Pencil after N. Bestuzhev's Watercolour Portraits.. 87 T. Petrova. Interiors in the Russian Architecture of the Mid-19th Century: Characteristics of the System of Orders.................97 L. Tarasova. Sculptural Compositions by A. Terebenev for the Orphanage and Guardians' Council Buildings in St. Petersburg......................................................................105 K. Orlova. Production of the Sazikovs Factory in the State Hermitage Collection.........................................115 T. Malinina. From the History of the Imperial Glass Factory in St. Petersburg. 1830s-1880s...............................125 A. Pobedinskaya. Paintings by I. Kramskoy and N. Bogatsky in the State Hermitage............................................................136 7*. Kudriavtseya\ Ceramist Piotr Vaulin in St. Petersburg.........142 V. Fedorova and G. Vilinbakhov. Sergey Nikolayevich Troynitsky and the "Sirius" Printing House.........................159 Abbreviations................................................................................166 Summaries......................................................................................167 ______________________ Труды Государственного Эрмитажа. Том 30. Из истории русской культуры Издательство: Государственный Эрмитаж, 2004 г. Твердый переплет, 176 стр. Тираж: 1000 экз. Формат: 84x108/16 Мелованная бумага Редакторы: Георгий Вилинбахов Галина Принцева От издателя Поступивший в 1971 г. в Государственный Эрмитаж богатейший комплекс археологических находок, раскрытый при исследовании в 1957-1964 гг. под руководством М.К.Каргера Древнего Изяславля, всесторонне характеризует жизнь одного из городов Киевской Руси накануне татаро-монгольского завоевания. Найденный в Изяславле материал знакомит с сельским хозяйством, военным делом, ремеслом, торговлей и духовной культурой рядового древнерусского города. К последней группе относится около ста предметов, разнообразных по своему назначению

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